Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I have decided to make a few changes in my research. I will not be comparing discipline referrals from last year to this year. I think I will create a survey for the teacehrs to fill out instead. Every group of kids has a different dynamic so I feel like getting teacehrs opinions, int his case, might be a better indicator of how this technology has effected the overall behavior. I also feel like I can get more specific information about positive effects this might have rather than just seeing the negative ones associated with discipline referrals. Thanks to everyone who is commenting and following this. I really appreciate the input and advice!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a good idea to focus on this years discipline. It is okay to look at different discipline scenarios and situations from last year but every infraction is different so they should all be handled on an individual basis instead of a one size fits all method.

    What type of questions are going to be on your survey for teachers?
